Entrepreneurship in India is on the verge of explosive growth. This also opens up new opportunities for the
eco-system to take shape. Incubator, a place where startups are born becomes an important aspect
An incubation cell at our institute has been formed in last year 2018-19 with following objective
- To promote entrepreneurship amongst people and students who have a passion to start their own
- To conduct training sessions that impart knowledge and develop entrepreneurial skills and
- To offer need based business assistance to entrepreneurs or small businesses in Market Survey,
Contact Potential Customers, Design HR processes for Recruitment, Training etc.
- To develop and promote industry-academia partnership.
Name of Entrepreneur / Student | Mr. Sanap Abhijeet |
Company Name | Sanap Bandhu Bhel |
Assistance provided | Guidance for designing Packaging & Channels for distribution |
Name of Entrepreneur / Student | Mr. Mandar Gaidhani |
Company Name | Bakrey Bites |
Assistance provided | Guiding & motivating to start up his own business in food industry. |